“As cheesy as it may sound, you are making a difference in my life. You remind me  [about] a lot of things on the subject of holistic health...”
— Alviela

“To be completely honest, these letters are like weekly breather for me. They are like reminders that someone out there cares and would want to talk to me. Aside from that, every content is very relatable!!! Super love and appreciate this!!!” — Anonymous

“So grateful for these weekly letters. It reminds me to stay grounded everyday...” — Kori

“I am pretty sure there are a lot of newsletters... But I find yours uniquely different. It's always fun reading your emails! Opening [them] is like opening a gift, what is inside is always full of cherishable things...in this case, wisdom, lessons, motivations etc... I hope this would grow and you'll reach more people...” — Nathanaela

“...so much love and warmth! Reading your beautiful words make me feel that I'm not the only one struggling with adulting and life in general...”
— Pau

“Your emails make me realize a lot of things…you really are such a blessing, radiating positivity and giving hope to us. Continue being an instrument of God [and] spreading His word.”

“It gives me joy receiving an email that's not work related! Since I seldom read nowadays, it pushes me to read and write...” — Anne

Ready to join the club?

Subscribe to the newsletter, which tackles the following topics (heart-written from the perspective of a twenty-something who's still figuring things out for herself):

🍎 Health: On becoming a healthier, hopeful adult
📕 Wealth: On pursuing your purpose in life
🌹 Relationships: On building and nurturing social connections